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Adaptive Planning training options are now available! Training is designed for budget directors, budget managers and budget analysts to better assist with annual forecasting and budgeting processes in preparation for the relaunch of Adaptive Planning on October 27.

The following training is now available:

  • Live Demonstrations: Live demonstrations of specific tasks are being held virtually in Teams for budget director, budget manager and budget analyst roles. Details about session dates, topics and registration can be found on the Workday Training Calendar.
  • Online Coursework: Adaptive Planning Navigation Basics is now available for registration in Workday Learning. This online course, which is a redesign of the original webcourse, teaches navigation basics for the updated Adaptive Planning application.
  • Virtual Office Hours: Virtual Office Hour sessions will be held in early November for the finance community. These sessions will support those responsible for unit budgeting. Sessions do not require registration and meeting links can be accessed on the Workday Training Calendar.

What is Adaptive Planning?

Workday Adaptive Planning is a cloud-based budgeting solution that provides a single, consolidated source for collaborative planning, budgeting, forecasting, and reporting. It was originally selected to support the UCF Budget Model Redesign Initiative.