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The kNEXT Team is pleased to announce two new enhancements to the Workday user experience, the Expense Hub and new and updated Workday notifications.  These improvements are in direct repose to feedback from our user community will be available beginning Monday, August 19.

Expense Hub

The Expense Hub greatly improves the user experience by centralizing expense and travel related reports and tasks, including expense transactions, spend authorizations, cash advances, and payment elections, providing users with better visibility to act on pending items quickly and easily from one location. Found in the Workday Menu, the Expense Hub application will replace the current Expense worklet and all the previously available functions in a user-friendly interface.

For more information related to the Expense Hub, please refer to the Workday Help Expense Hub Knowledge Article.

Updated and New Workday Notifications

  • The 20-day and 40-day Outstanding Credit Card Transaction notifications for employees and managers have been enhanced to include the employee’s name, merchant, and transaction date, and guidance to help employee’s take action to ensure timely approval.
  • A new courtesy notification for Credit Card Transactions Posted has been implemented that will notify employees three days after a credit card transaction has been posted in Workday to prompt the employee to take action.
  • new Outstanding Cash Advance notification will ensure employees are informed about their outstanding balances and the required actions to resolve the balance.
  • new Outstanding Expense Balance notification will ensure employees are informed about personal charges over $25 incurred on their university credit card that must be repaid, and the required actions that must be taken to resolve the balance.