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News & Announcements Posts

Knowledge Corner Updates (as of 10/31/2023)

November 7, 2023
This is a complete listing of all knowledge base articles that have been updated or added to our Workday Help Knowledge Base. A “knowledge article” is a job aid, video demo, or business process workflow that describes or outlines step-by-step procedures of a business process. All knowledge articles are currently housed in Workday Help. To learn more…

Workday Assistant – Now Available!

October 23, 2023
The new Workday Assistant tool is now available! As a reminder, this is an automated, conversational tool that assists UCF faculty and staff to quickly complete actions or retrieve information in Workday. This feature is available via desktop and Workday mobile app by selecting the Workday Assistant icon. To learn how to access and use…

Procurement Bid Threshold Increase

September 15, 2023
UCF Procurement Services is pleased to announce that the bid threshold for university purchases has been increased from $75,000 to $150,000. Important: It is best practice to seek competition for all purchases, regardless of dollar amount, because competition works!  The new competition thresholds are as follows: The updated Competition Requirements can be located on the Procurement Services website.…

Foundation Gift Budgets and Spending in Workday

August 3, 2023
The offices of Financial Affairs and the UCF Foundation are pleased to announce that 2024 foundation gift budgets, including July 2024 endowment payout were loaded into Workday effective last week. This means that colleges and units (including direct support organizations like Athletics) may once again directly charge gifts within the Workday system replacing the former…

Testing Opportunity for UCF Community

July 14, 2023
UCF is pleased to provide all interested employees with the opportunity to test and provide user satisfaction feedback prior to launching a new Workday application called Workday Assistant! Workday Assistant is a conversational chatbot that helps workers to quickly complete actions and retrieve information in Workday that is available on desktop and the Workday mobile…

Faculty Agreements Now Available for Fall 2023

July 12, 2023
The distribution and signing of UCF’s fall faculty agreements transitioned to Workday effective July 7. As the agreements are ready for signature, faculty will receive an email via their UCF Outlook account notifying them their agreement can be reviewed and signed. This replaces the former manual process and means that faculty can conveniently access and…