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Payroll Posts

Announcement: Update to Federal Work Study Overflow Fringe Expense

February 26, 2025
The fringe expense for Federal Work Study (FWS) overflow earnings was not configured in Workday to apply the 2% fringe rate since the rate was implemented. As a result, the 2% fringe rate was not being calculated on the earnings exceeding their award amount. Moving forward, the 2% fringe expense will be applied only to the portion of earnings that exceed the FWS award amount. These expenses will be charged to the default organizational assignments Worktags. Note: This will not impact FD725-Federal Work Study.

New/Updated Workday Earning Codes

February 25, 2025
The Workday Enterprise System, Grants and Payroll are announcing changes to the Pay Component Group. Changes involve new and revised earning codes that are scheduled to go into effect in Workday during the pay period cycle of January 31-February 13.  The new or updated earning codes provide the ability to efficiently break out (Senior) Personnel from Other Personnel Services (OPS). They also eliminate the need to manually correct via allocations and journal entries by utilizing the correct Pay Component Group for Eligible OPS Earnings and posting to Object Class is Standard: 2000 Other Personnel Services. Users will no longer temporarily see the OPS charges in 1000 Personnel and then have it moved since it will initially be posted to the correct Object Class.